November 9, 2024  

EM358: Functional evaluation of the patient with Parkinson's disease

Adequately evaluating the patient represents the first fundamental step in building a rehabilitation program personalized for the patient and aimed at his specific needs. In the context of Parkinson's disease, given its multifactorial nature, to perform a comprehensive functional assessment it is necessary to investigate different motor and non-motor domains.

The course in question aims to provide knowledge and tools through which the clinician can carry out a 360° assessment of the patient in order to identify the functional aspects most affected by the disease and towards which it is necessary to direct the therapeutic proposal. The selection of which scales to use is extremely important, not only because they can provide an objective evaluation through which to monitor the progress of the treatment, but also because the individual items can highlight the patient's functional deficits and guide us in choosing a treatment patient-centered.

During the course, you will initially be taught how to use Rehabilitation Measures (RehabMeasures), an online platform that provides access to a wide range of assessment tools used in rehabilitation and research. Subsequently, the main metric properties of the scales will be examined, useful for interpreting the numerical score in clinical terms.

The main evaluation scales will be presented in detail, divided into 3 macro categories:

Severity of the disease
Overall performance level
Specific functional domains:
I walk
Freezing of Gait (FOG)
Postural deformities
The course includes both lectures and practical exercises.

In collaboration with:

40 Seats

Intended for

Doctors, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists


  • Deposit €120.00 within 7 days from the registration
Total: €120.00
8 Hours


09 November 2024
richiesti ECM



Course Location: Brescia @Sala Formazione Edumed


Sign up


8.30-9.00 Registrazione partecipanti e presentazione obiettivi del corso

9.00-10.00 RehabMeasures: come utilizzare la piattaforma e come interpretare le proprietà metriche delle scale.

10.00-11.00 La valutazione della severità della malattia e del livello di performance generale nel paziente con MdP

11.00-11.15 Coffee break

11.15-12.30 Valutare il cammino, il freezing of gait e le cadute

12.30-13.00 Sintesi degli apprendimenti - Domande e discussione degli argomenti trattati nella mattinata

13.00-14.00 Pranzo

14.00-15-00 Valutare l’equilibrio e le deformità posturali

15.00-16.00 Lavoro di gruppo: analisi di un articolo contenente la validazione di una scala

16.00-16.15 Coffee break

16.15-17.15 Lavoro di gruppo: analisi di un articolo contenente la validazione di una scala

17.15-17.45 Sintesi degli apprendimenti - Domande e discussione degli argomenti trattati nel pomeriggio

17.45-18.00 Test ECM e conclusione della giornata