June 15, 2024  


Sport plays an important role in the physical, mental and social development of the person; It allows you to deepen your knowledge of your body, your potential, but also your limits. In particular, it is a fundamental element for people with disabilities as it is an opportunity for growth and training that also allows them to achieve important internal well-being even after traumatic and non-traumatic events that can change their life. Practicing sports disciplines is certainly useful on both a physical and psychological level: in fact, it helps to regain one's autonomy, fulfill oneself on a social level, recover and strengthen self-esteem, as well as often having the value of a rehabilitation program capable of increasing motor and psychophysical performance. Furthermore, within the sporting world, the interactions that are established are multiple and of different types: you come into contact with the coach, with your teammates, in the case of team sports, and with your opponents; and this vast range of relationships and connections allows the subject to experiment and experiment in the management of different types of emotions and possible relational conflicts, allowing him to re-calibrate the way he presents himself towards the social context in which he lives and moves and towards people with which he interacts.
Relationships in the sporting field also push us to recognize roles and purposes, helping to build a personal identity which in certain cases is compromised by life events. It therefore follows that practicing sports, for a disabled person, also represents an important moment of reintegration and inclusion in a wide-ranging social context.

The social phenomenon "sport and disability" can therefore be analyzed in two well-defined areas: the one in which sport has assumed and assumes a curative-rehabilitative function, also contributing to improving not only the expectations but also the quality of life of disabled people ( think for example of the benefits brought by wheelchair racing, which contributes to greater competence and speed in using the wheelchair). In this direction, therefore, sporting activity carries out a function of recovery, recovery and increase of "new" motor and psycho-motor skills by making people accept the differences compared to the functional stereotypes considered "physiological" and/or to the past.
And the "inclusive" sphere, for which sport has represented and still represents a reference value, especially in reference to unique aspects linked to the human person, such as originality, authenticity and freedom, but also talent , determination and courage.
From this perspective, the term "inclusion" therefore highlights a permeability and exchange between subjects, even with different motor, intellectual and psychological abilities, which lead to and develop a continuous and constant growth of each of them.

And it is precisely in the constant development of these spheres that disabled sport, especially in recent years, has reached a level of excellence, even going so far as to 'compete' not only from a media and economic point of view, but sometimes even in that of competitive results, with sport practiced by able-bodied people.
From the development of these themes was born the idea of ​​organizing a conference that could address and develop both the curative-rehabilitative sphere, through the reports of experts and technicians in the sector capable of extending knowledge on the positive and negative effects on the athlete disabled person, of carrying out a sporting activity.

But also the relational-social sphere through the testimony of disabled athletes of the highest level.

All organized in a socio-health rehabilitation center such as CR2 Sinapsi, unique at a national level.

70 Seats

Intended for

Health professionals
4 Hours


15 June 2024



Sign up



08:30 - 09.00: Registrazione partecipanti
09.00 - 09.45: Saluti Istituzionali e Introduzione lavori

  • Sindaco
  • Assessore allo sport
  • Ing. Filippo Ruvioli – Presidente Fondazione “Occhi Azzurri” – Progetto CR2

Parte Prima

09.45-11.00: Quando la disabilità diventa un’opportunità: testimonianze di atleti nazionali e internazionali
Moderatore: Ing. Alceste Bartoletti

  • Efrem Morelli: N

  • Giovanni Zeni: Capitano della squadra di tennis in carrozzina della società Baldesio (Cremona) premiato quale miglior giocatore regionale di categoria per il 2023.

  • Davide Parma: Giocatore di Baskin nella squadra di Baskin di Cremona. Premiato quale miglior atleta nel 2023.

  • Roxana Solomon: Atleta paralimpica di spada e sciabola

11.00 - 11.30: Tavola rotonda

11.30-11.45 Coffee Break

Parte Seconda

11.45 - 13.00: La gestione multidisciplinare dell’atleta disabile: la parola ai tecnici Moderatore: Dott.ssa Annamaria Ottolini – (Cristian Carubelli)

  • Medico Specialista:
    Dott.ssa Emiliana Bizzarini: Fisiatra presso Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione – Unità spinale Azienda sanitaria

    universitaria Friuli Centrale (ASU FC) – Classificatore Funzionale del Comitato Paralimpico Italiano: “I benefici

    dell'attività sportiva nell'atleta disabile”.

  • Fisioterapista:

    Dott.Gennari Nicola: Fisioterapista-Responsabile della Fisioterapia del Settore Sanitario Paralimpico Strada FCI:

    “La gestione dell’atleta paralimpico nelle competizioni internazionali”

  • Preparatore atletico:

    Dott. Andrea Fiorin: Laureato in Scienze Motorie – Preparatore Atletico Nazionale Italiana calcio a 7 per Atleti

    Cerebrolesi: “Performance e classificazioni dell’atleta con cerebrolesione: il Paradosso”

  • Allenatore:

    Dott. Francesco Longhi – Allenatore squadra di “Baskin” di Cremona: “Come gestire una squadra di atleti con

    disabilità diverse”

13.00 - 13.30: Tavola Rotonda

13.30 - 14.00: Test ECM e chiusura lavori
Ing. Filippo Ruvioli: Presidente Fondazione “Occhi Azzurri” – Progetto CR2 Sinapsi Dott. Pietro Ginevra: Socio-Fondatore Associazione “Gli Amici di Roby”