November 11, 2023  

EM277: FIRENZE - The complete ACL REHAB journey

The course is purposefully organised to walk through the entire rehab process from the moment of injury to return to performance and onwards. 

It is NOT designed as a recipe book. This course aims to improve clinical decision making at all stages of the rehab journey. We will use real world examples from our own clinical practice and the evidence base to help you to develop expert clinical reasoning to apply to all your ACL injured patients including those trickier cases.

This will NOT be death by PowerPoint. There will be large practical components used to build on the theoretical base of the course. Strength and conditioning concepts and their practical application will be a fundamental part of the course. This course is designed for anyone that treats ACL injuries and wants to improve their patient outcomes from the next day in clinic.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand how mechanism of injury, anatomy, surgical interventions, and healing times relates to the rehabilitation process
  • Understand how to prioritise core elements of the rehab process to improve decision making throughout the patient's journey
  • Strength and conditioning principles and how they relate to each stage of the rehab journey
  • Understand the assessment of key qualities relating to ACL injury throughout the whole journey
  • Understand all components that make up a successful return following ACL injury
  • Understand the theory & practical application of the return to play & performance continuum
  • Broaden the scope of testing and rehabilitation tools at your disposal 
  • Strategies & management of the individual to reduce risk of future injury following ACL rehabilitation
  • Use real world examples and cases to consolidate the learning done on the course to help improve your ability managing ACL injuries from your next day in clinic

In collaboration with:

20 Seats

Intended for

Doctors and Physiotherapists


  • Deposit €200.00 within 7 days from the registration
  • Balance €299.00 by date November 6, 2023
Total: €499.00
16 Hours
16 ECM


English with consecutive Italian translation

EARLY BOOKING by : 399.00€ (100.00€ OFF!)  - after  499.00€

Course organized in FIRENZE in cooperation with  HealtHub


FisioLab 2.0 Poliambulatorio

Via Imprunetana per Tavarnuzze, 231, 50023 Tavarnuzze (FI)



09:00 - 10:00 Lecture 1: Anatomia, incidenza, meccanica dell'infortunio e infortuni associati

10:00 - 11:00 Lecture 2: Decision-making precoce - Coper/non-coper - Strategie chirurgiche

11:00 - 12:00 Practical 1: Valutazione in acuto del ginocchio

12:00 - 13:00 Lecture 3: Principi base di Strength & Conditioning e come applicarli alla riabilitazione

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch

14:30 - 15:30 Lecture 4: Teoria dell'esercizio riabilitativo e dei test di valutazione

15:30 - 16:30 Lecture 5: Gestione degli obiettivi, criteri di progressione, allenamento aerobico, educazione e ragionamento clinico della prima fase della riabilitazione del LCA

16:30 - 17:30 Practical 2: Prima fase della riabilitazione - andature del cammino, BFR, Elettrostimolazione e gestione del gonfiore

17:30 - 18:00 Lecture 6: Case study: Ischiocrurali e tendine patellare, infiammazione, recupero dell'estensione/sindrome del ciclope



08:30 - 10:00 Lecture 7: Principi di allenamento per il recupero dell'atleta

10:00 - 11:00 Practical 3: Fase 2 della riabilitazione - quando cominciare la pliometria?

11:00 - 12:00 Practical 4: Esercizi per la forza, apprendimento motorio e riduzione delle asimmetrie

12:00 - 12:30 Lecture 8: La forza: criteri di progressione e obiettivi

12:30 - 13:00 Practical 5: Ritorno alla corsa: esercizi pliometrici, calcolo del Reactive strength index e andature

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch

14:30 - 15:15 Pratical 6: Analisi della corsa e test di potenza

15:15 - 16:00 Practical 7: Riabilitazione sul campo e sport specifica

16.00-16:45 Practical 8: Analisi dei cambi di direzione ed esercizi per allenarli

16.00-16:45 Lecture 7: Ritorno alla performance e riduzione del rischio di reinfortunio

16:45-17:00 Conclusione: Domande e Test ECM