September 18, 2021  

EM197: The Painful Shoulder: Back to Full Performance

The course topic is the “Shoulder”. The course aim is to synthesize the current scientific evidence in a simple clinical approach. The anatomy of the shoulder and the mechanisms responsible for its specific painful disorders will be revisited. Different sub-groups will be presented together with a critical analysis of the shoulder assessment, including special tests and Symptoms Modification Procedures.

The clinical application of the Hand Held Dynamometer will be integrated for the analysis of the strength ratios and the progression criteria as well as for the achievement of the best exercise plan compliance.

A careful analysis of the whole Kinetic Chain will be presented for different Sports for full recovery as well as for enhanced Performance. Manual Therapy application for the different profiles will be critically outlined.

Furthermore the course will provide information regarding the latest clinical trials regarding conservative and surgical interventions as well as the predictive factors for full recovery.

20 Seats

Intended for

Doctors and Physiotherapists


  • Deposit €195.20 within 7 days from the registration
  • Balance €195.20 by date September 10, 2021
Total: €390.40
16 Hours


18-19 September 2021
23,8 ECM



Sign up




Biopsychosocial Model

Explanation and clinical implication of the different types of pain (inflammatory, nociceptive, neuropathic, dysfunctional/nocipathic)

Explanation and clinical implication of different pain mechanisms (peripheral vs central sensitisation)

Strength and Conditioning/Mechanotherapy

Shoulder pain – which factors perpetuate pain? Which myths to abandon?


Patient as a profile

Practical application of the biopsychosocial model

Therapeutic neuroscience education applied to the shoulder (imaging + tissue loading tolerance + metaphors)

-simplification of shoulder disorders in 3 subgroups (Littlewood et al.):

1) weak (and stiff) and painful

2) stiff and painful

3) unstable and painful

Examination procedure (questionnaires/outcome measures and clinical impact)


Objective assessment:

- Differential diagnosis

-Tests and special tests

-use of Dynamometer per strength testing and strength ratios (referenced from Riemann, Cools , Ginn, Mansche, Struyf, Whiteley)


Symptoms modification procedures (referenced from Lewis , Meakins, Kibler )

The role of the kinetic chain in different sports (Swimmers/Overhead Athletes)


Performance tests

Application of the Musculoskeletal Framework

Explanation and demonstration – expectancy violation (conditio sine qua non)

Review of the most recent clinical trials and current research



Use of Graded Exposure combined with Mechanotherapy

Use of Manual Therapy

Use of Strength and Conditioning principles for achieving full Performance/Efficiency:

Criteria for exercise selection

Use of periodisation

Load Management (RPE utilization)

Developing endurance, strength and power/speed

-KPI for shoulder: how to move to the next phase in safety

-presentation of different PROFILES as clinical examples




Day  1

09:00 –09:30 Introduction

09:30 –11:00 Evidence on Shoulder Pain (T)

11:00 –11:15 Coffee

11.15 – 13.00 Presentation of different profiles (T)

13.00 – 14:00 Lunch

14.00 – 15.45 Subjective Examination and Outcome Measures/Questionnaires  (T-P)

15.45 – 16.00 Coffee

16.00-18.00 Differential Diagnosis / Objective examination of different profiles  (P) (T-P)


Day 2

9:00 – 10.30 Treatment Stiff and Painful  (P)

10.30 - 10.45 Coffe

10.45 - 12.30 Treatment Weak and Painful (P)

12.30 - 13.30 Lunch

13.30 - 15:30 Treatment Unstable and Painful (P)

15:30 –15:45 Coffee

15:45 – 17.30 Questions and review (P)